Articles on: Edit product

How to optimize the keywords of your products

Keyword optimization

In Intellifox, you have full keyword optimization.

In this article you will see how it works and how you can act on the keywords.

How does it work with Intellifox?

a. Click on keywords :

b. Click on Select the keywords :

c. Click on Let's start :

d. Read the information and click again on Let's go :

e. Choose a keyword, you can take a look at the results on Amazon before saving the changes and going to the next step:

f. Choose your competitors (10 max.):

g. Choose keywords among the highly suggested keywords, suggested keywords, other keywords and manually added keywords, before clicking on next step:

When you get back to the keywords tab, you will find the keywords summary:

The keywords you used in the listing (in the title, the bullet points and the description)
The keywords that will be automatically inserted in the search terms (up to 250 characters)
Keywords that are not present anywhere

When you publish the changes, your keywords will be automatically inserted in your product.

How are the search terms calculated?

When you select keywords, you must then manually integrate them into your titles, bullet points and description.

It is not always possible to insert all the keywords you have selected in your listing, due to lack of space or simply because the word is impossible to place (this is the case when a keyword has a spelling mistake for example); these words are then automatically inserted in the search terms, up to 250 characters.

When the search terms are full, the keywords that are neither in the texts nor in the search terms are visible at the bottom of the keywords summary.

What are search terms?

These are the keywords that are inserted in a product, in addition to the words present in your titles, bullet points and descriptions. They are part of the winning SEO strategy on Amazon.

You can find them in Amazon's Seller Central, on the product's editing page, in the Keywords tab:

Updated on: 27/09/2021

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